154│What I am supposed to do without you? 6:53 p.m. Hair: - Tattoo: GUHIT - Paragon @ Suicide Dollz Event NOW! Outfit: EVANI - Annie Romper @ Kustom9 NOW! Socks: Imbue. - Velveteen Frill Socks @ SaNaRae NOW! Bed: Trompe Loeil - Emerson Platform Bed Pose: AUTHENTIC Poses - I Just Want You NEW! Background: [FOURTH WALL] - Modern Attic Skybox @ INDUSTRIE TOMORROW! Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: authentic poses, catwa, evani, fourth wall, guhit, imbue, industrie, kustom9, trompe loeil Entrada más reciente Entrada antigua You Might Also Like 170│Wake up and smell the inspirati...155│I'm forced to deal with what I ...184│When I count my blessings, I co... 0 comentarios
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