74│Away from the city 12:19 a.m. Hair: Blues - Layla (Naturals 3) Tattoo: *Bolson - WOW Phone: #Foxy - Phone (Get Shit Done) Upper: EVANI - Leila Pullover + Sleeves @ UBER NOW! Lower: EVANI - Leila Pants @ UBER NOW! Shoes: [Shoeminati] - SkyHi (Cool Gray) NEW! Pose: La Baguette - Kazi G.Sit (5) (Altered with Animare) Background: Missing Mile Dark Rural Community RPG Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: blues, bolson, catwa, evani, foxy, la baguette, shoeminati, uber Entrada más reciente Entrada antigua You Might Also Like 150│I knew you'd be back someday...141│Hope whispers 'try it one more ...130│I'll always have your back... 0 comentarios
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