64│What's my age again? 8:15 p.m. Hair: Moon. - 3WW w/ Nerdeez (Brunettes) @ Kustom9 NOW! Choker: *AGATA* - Layla Choker @ Kustom9 NOW! Tattoo: *Bolson - WOW @ TMD NOW! Outfit: O V H - Cristina Set (Color Pack) @ Kustom9 NOW! Backpack: *(OO)* YUKI - Vor Bag (RARE 01) @ Kustom9 NOW! Shoes: Fri. - Dana Flats (Coal) @ Kustom9 NOW! Pose: FOXCITY - Surface Set (Fatpack Bonus) Background: The Weekend Ruiner - Box #5 - The Blue Tiled Hall Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: *(oo)* yuki, agata, bolson, catwa, foxcity, fri., kustom9, moon, ovh, the weekend ruiner ← Previous Story Next Story → You Might Also Like 152│Souls tend to go back to who fe...121│A friend in need, a friend inde...110│My walls went up, as my confide... 0 comentarios
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