Hair: tram - G1117 (HUD A) @ UBER NOW! Slippes: O.M.E.N - Narwhal Slippes (Cream) Deco: Nutmeg - Kate's Vintage Bathroom Collection @ Shiny Shabby NOW! (French Golden Framed Mirror, Gold Wall Sconce, Hardy Rack with Basket, Bath Mat With Tassels, Stone Basin Gold, Laundry Container, Wooden Stool With Towels, Handmade Soap) Bottles: [ keke ] - Hygge Collection (glittler bottles) @ UBER NOW! Bathub + Pose: Nutmeg&RK Poses. - ReKa Bathub (Rusty - F1) @ Shiny Shabby NOW!...
Hair: DOUX - Britney Hairstyle @ SadNovember NOW! Eyes: AG. - Luster Eyes @ INDUSTRIE NOW! Rings: :: SG :: - KEWL Rings (Maitreya) @ Limit8 NOW! Upper: Storybook - Aly Mock Turtleneck (Beige) @ District 20 NOW! Lower: Storybook - Aly Skirt (Brown) @ District 20 NOW! Camera: AsteroidBox. - 1940s Camera (Dirty p1) @ Rewind NOW! Deco: [Merak] - Snuggly Nights Set @ District 20 NOW! (Breakfast Tray, Hot Water Bottles and Mask, Snuggly Swing) Clock: Fancy Decor...
Me (on the right): Hair: Stealthic - Lithe @ Kustom9 NOW! Outfit: *AGATA* - Samantha Coat (with Dress) @ Kustom9 NOW! Boots: VALE KOER - Undercheek Boots @ Kustom9 NOW! Poses: - Background (just the building!): Pewpew! - Autumn Shed (Brown Wood) @ Kustom9 NOW! ...
Hair: Entwined. - Nyx (B) @ Remnant NOW! Tattoo: DAPPA - Rise Tattoo Ears: .random.Matter. - Haruhi Ears @ Kustom9 NOW! Upper: Pseudo - Know The One Tee (Goddess) @ Kustom9 NOW! Shoes: [ VERSOV ] - WONZOV Sneakers (Dirty White) Pose: - Background: STONE RIDGE VENUE ...
Hair: DOUX - Mya Hairstyle @ SadNovember NOW! Tattoo: *Bolson - Serra & Eli Ears: .random.Matter. - Haruhi Ears @ Kustom9 SOON! (Nov. 15th) Necklace: Stealthic x Toksik - TKS Necklace (Gold) Upper: Stealthic x Toksik - TKS Jacket Upper 2: Stealthic x Toksik - TKS Jacket Crop Top Lower: .:villena:. - Ripped Denim Shorts (Black) Poses: Left: Ana Poses - Prague (3) @ Hipster Men SOON! (Nov. 13th) Right: AUTHENTIC Poses - Keep It Low @ Anybody NOW! Background: taikou - Midnight Tokyo Elevator Background (Window) @ Kustom9 SOON! (Nov. 15th) ...
Hair: DOUX - Lee Hairstyle (tips of the hair are edited) Tattoo: DAPPA - No Love Tattoo (Faded) @ MAN CAVE NOW! Eyes + Makeup: [ Convinction ] - Bashed Eyes & Makeup NEW! Bath Tub: FOXCITY Prop. - Bath Tub (Water Bath) Ashtray: [ Zercalo ] - Ashtray (Backstreet Hideout) Alcohol Deco: [ Zercalo ] - Bar Z (Whiskey - Wine - Wine Glass) Radio: [ Zercalo ] - Old Radio Bra: [ Zercalo ] - Bra Pose: - Background...
Hair: Entwined. - Kira (side bangs) @ FaMESHed NOW! Upper: .miss chelsea. - Geri Hoodie (Oatmeal) @ FLF NOW! Backpack: VALE KOER - Technical Backpack Shoes: VALE KOER - Concrete Shaman Cats: (fd) - Scared / Ready to Pounce Pose: - Background: - ...