In authentic poses, catwa

153│People come and people go; the best will stay

Hair: DOUX - Margaret Hairstyle NOW! Tattoo: DAPPA - Des Jeux Tattoo (Faded) @ The Project Se7en NOW! Upper: Villena - Tube Top @ Kustom9 NOW! Upper2: Villena - Windbreaker Jacket (Vintage) @ Kustom9 NOW! Lower: Just Because - Kaylah Jeans @ UBER NOW! Pose: AUTHENTIC Poses - My Sis NEW! Background: - ...

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In ana poses, ariskea

152│Souls tend to go back to who feels like home

Hair: DOUX - Juniper Hairstyle NEW! Tattoos: DAPPA - Des Jeux Tattoo (Faded) @ The Project Se7en SOON! Outfit: Zenith - Sweater Dress (Pack B)  @ UBER NOW! Shoes: Fri. - Velvet Janes @  UBER NOW! Deco: Ariskea - [Corine] @  UBER NOW! (Candles, Chrysanthemum -SoftRose-)  Pose: Ana Poses - The Secret @ Shiny Shabby NOW! Background (just the building!): Trompe Loeil - Glynwood Stilthouse  ...

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In catwa, doux

151│Better than I was yesterday

Hair: DOUX - Fashionista Hairstyle + Kimberly Bang 1 Upper: Pseudo - Jasmine Top (Tan) @ Kustom9 NOW! Lower: Pumpkin - Distresses Denim Skirt (Washed Blue) @ Kustom9 NOW! Shoes: .random.Matter. - Love Me Loafers (Brown) @ Kustom9 NOW! Book: [BR] - Open Book and Eye Glasses (Decor) Pose: - Background: - ...

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In 89hz, bueno

150│I knew you'd be back someday...

Hair: #Foxy - Bella Hair @ Kustom9 NOW! Tattoo: DAPPA - Da Vinci Tattoo (Faded) @ MAN CAVE NOW! Upper: [89Hz] - 1 Loose Off Shoulder Cardigan @ Kustom9 NOW! Lower: BUENO - Sweet Shorts (Brick) @ Kustom9 NOW! Shoes: ISON - Knee Sock Boots NEW! Deco: [ Zercalo ] - Bar Z @ Kustom9 NOW! (Beer Counter, Vodka, Ashtray, Whiskey, Wine, Darts) Light: [FOURTH WALL] - LED Wall Lamp (White - Full Bright) @ Hidden Chapter NOW! Pose: FOXCITY - Surface (5) Background: [FOURTH WALL] - Industrial Cabin NEW!...

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In bueno, catwa

149│I'm done sitting home without you...

Hair: DOUX - Dreem Hairstyle NEW! Headphones: BUENO - Headphones (White) Outfit: ISON - Faye Silk Slip (White) Shoes: Moon. - Fuzzy Slippers (White) Set: .random.Matter. - The Office ('Broken Desk', 'Chair', 'CPU', 'Lamp', 'Monitor', 'Keyboard', 'Mouse') Boxes: [ Zercalo ] - Backstreet Hideout ('Boxes', 'Pizza') Pose: - Background (just the building!): {vespertine} - Spring Rainy Days Skybox ...

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In catwa, doux

148│She naturally loved solitary places...

Hair: DOUX - Astra Hairstyle NEW! Outfit: EVANI - Belizzia Bra & Panties @ Frou Frou NOW! Coffee: TORO - Expresso + Cream (Diabetes Gacha - K9) NEW! Pose: FOXCITY - Lean (1) (head and leg position altered with Animare) Background (just the building!): {vespertine} - Spring Rainy Days Skybox ...

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In catwa, doux

147│You've got to open up your heart, feel the love in your life...

Hair: DOUX - Kimberly Hairstyle @ The Darkness Event NOW! Tattoo: GUHIT - Woebegone Upper: ISON - Asturias Shirt NEW! Pose: <K&S>  - I'm Into You (2) NEW! Background: - ...

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In catwa, fiore

146│Reach your goals

Hair: Fiore - Dramatics Pony (Browns) Tattoo: GUHIT - Valdis NEW! Upper: Imbue. - Little Tee (Not Cute Just Psycho) Lower: Villena - Velour Shorts (Black) Shoes: VALE KOER - Adored Trainers Pose: - Background (just the building!): Trompe Loeil - Mali Shores Cottage (Natural) ...

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In *(oo)* yuki, beusy

145│A magical connection

Hair: Beusy - Sybil Hairstyle @ BLUSH NOW! Crown: *(OO)* YUKI - Au Antlers 01 (RARE) @ Kustom9 NOW! Outfit: Tee*fy - Janae Dress (Chai) @ UBER NOW! Pose: - Background (just the trees!): Kathy's Garden Pine Forest ...

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